Blog Archive
- Bloggers Unite with NIDA and to recognize...
- Lose Weight & Feel Great! with Acai Berry Select
- Natural Home Remedies for Constipation
- Study Finds Menopause Symptoms Can Be Predicted
- Lose Weight The Easy Way - Eat What You Like When ...
- Firms & Tightens Skin with Revitol Cellulite Solution
- Things to Look For When Treating Nail Fungus
- Eat Less, Train Less, Live Longer!
- NaturePause - The Natural Hormone Solution for Men...
- EverLoss - It Fits You Good! The Diet Of The Decad...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Learn how to Suppress your Appetite and Lose Weight with Caralluma Burn!
What You Need to Know About Caralluma Fimbriata
Caralluma fimbriata is a succulent plant, in the cactus family, that has been used as a natural appetite suppressant in India for centuries. It's a new arrival in the family of cactii and succulent plants that are becoming increasingly popular for their appetite suppressant, and weight loss properties, as well as their ability to lower blood sugar.
Supplements made from the popular hoodia gordonii cactus from the Kalahari Desert in Africa, are, for example, growing in popularity and usage in the U.S. and Europe.Like hoodia, caralluma fimbriata has been used to suppress appetite, and as a portable food for hunting. It is used to suppress hunger and appetite, and enhance endurance throughout India. It is also sometimes considered a "famine food," used during periods of famine to suppress appetite. For centuries, people in rural areas of India have eaten Caralluma fimbriata, which grows wild over various parts of the country.
Caralluma fimbriata is cooked as a vegetable, used in preserves like chutneys and pickles, or eaten raw. Caralluma fimbriata is believed to block the activity of several enzymes, which then blocks the formation of fat, forcing fat reserves to be burned. Caralluma fimbriata is also believed to have an effect on the appetite control mechanism of the brain. Ayurvedic (traditional Indian medicine) experts have noted that there are no adverse effects when using Caralluma fimbriata, and the plant has no known toxicity. A patented, tested extract of Caralluma fimbriata has been developed and standardized by a company called Gencor.
Known as "Slimaluma," the extract delivers the plant in a concentrated form. One of the only products available in the U.S. that uses the Slimaluma formula is Country Life's GenaSlim supplement, which combines the patented Slimaluma extract of Caralluma fimbriata with EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) from green tea. Together they reportedly have a synergistic effect on appetite control and weight loss. In several clinical trials Slimaluma was shown to be effective in reducing body fat through appetite control.
If you're interested in trying this product for weight control, you can compare prices now from various online vendors.SourcesKhan B, et. al. "Hypogylcemic activity of aqueous extract of some indigenous plants." Pak J Pharm Sci., 2005 Jan;18(1):62-4.
For more information visit here
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Bloggers Unite with NIDA and to recognize World AIDS Day 2008.
On December 1st, bloggers from around the world will unite for World AIDS Day 2008. Worldwide an estimated 33 million people are living with HIV. In the United States, an estimated one million Americans are living with HIV. In response, both the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy’s have come together to share HIV/AIDS information with the blogging community for World AIDS Day 2008.
Please join us on December 1st in recognition of World AIDS Day 2008. NIDA and are working with Bloggers Unite because we value and recognize the power of a voice. Multiply that voice by the thousands and the sound of humanity will echo the blogosphere. HIV/AIDS affects too many in our communities to ignore. Be a part of a growing community of leaders that lift their voices.
Together, we can reduce the stigma of this pandemic through our words, voices and actions.
About the Day
World AIDS Day is observed every year on December 1st. The World Health Organization established World AIDS Day in 1988. World AIDS Day provides governments, national AIDS programs, faith organizations, community organizations, and individuals with an opportunity to raise awareness and focus attention on the global AIDS epidemic.
The Facts
In 2007, the estimated number of persons living with HIV worldwide was 33.2 million and there were 2.7 million people newly infected.
We hope these resources will assist your efforts to educate, motivate, and mobilize your local community in the fight against HIV/AIDS
- Join; to promote this important day!
- Posters
- Fact sheets
- Websites;;;
- Mobile Resources; To find an HIV Testing location near you, send a text message with your ZIP code to KNOWIT (566948) or visit
Take Action
There are many ways you can take action in response to HIV/AIDS:
- get tested for HIV
- practice safe methods to prevent HIV
- decide not to engage in high risk behaviors
- talk about HIV prevention with family, friends, and colleagues
- provide support to people living with HIV/AIDS
- get involved with or host an event for World AIDS Day in your community
Posted by
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Labels: 1 december 2008, aids day,, bloggers, bloggers unite, blogging for hope, HIV Aids, NIDA, world AIDS Day 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Lose Weight & Feel Great! with Acai Berry Select
About the Acai Berry
The acai berry (ah-sigh-ee) grows in the Amazon Rainforest on acai palm trees and looks like a purple marble or purple grape. The Acaí berry (fruit) is 90% seed pit and 10% acaí pulp and must be carefully handled before it can be consumed. During the process the acaí berries with water are put into a machine and are agitated against one another. This process separates the acaí pulp from the seed to produce a thick acaí fruit pulp puree.
Acaí berry has a unique tropical fruit flavor and provides a high level nutritional benefits. The acaí berry contains high levels of antioxidants also known as anthocyanins. It also contains Omega Fatty Acids (healthy fats), Amino Acids, Fiber, Iron, along with many other vitamins and minerals (Nutritional Value of the Acai Berry and Acai Berry Juice). An amazonian traditional recipe mixes acaí fruit pulp and natural guarana seed, which gives energy and heighten mental clarity that has caffeine like effects when combined with guarana.
Natives living in the Amazon river region in Northern Brazil, have had as part of their diet the acai berry for hundreds of years for it's nutritional value. It's healing and wellness powers are legendary throughout the area. The popularity of the acai berry is starting to spread from Brazil to the rest of the Americas.
Acai Berry has the following nutritional, health and wellness properties:
* Antioxidant
* Antibacterial
* Anti-inflammatory
* Antimutagenic
* Cardiovascular System
Acai berries contain very high amounts of essential fatty acid & omegas proven to lower LDL & maintain HDL cholesterol levels. They also have a remarkable concentration of antioxidants to help combat free radicals and premature aging. Acai Berry is a source of a particular class of flavonoids called anthocyanins. The ORAC value of Acai Berry is higher than any other edible berry in the world! Acai Berry is also an excellent source of dietary fiber!
Acai is extremely rich in organic vegetable protein which does not generate cholesterol during its digestion and is easier processed and transported to your muscles than animal protein (such as in milk or meat). Besides its outstanding content of protein and unsaturated lipids, acai is also rich in carbohydrates which provide your body with the necessary energy while working or practicing any kind of sport. That is why acai is served in most gyms, sport clubs and beaches all over Brazil.
According to medical research studies conducted on the acai berries, and cited below, their analysis reveals:
An amazingly high concentration levels of antioxidants contributed to combating premature aging.
The proanthocyanidine contents in Acai Berries are 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins (these are the purple colored antioxidants) of red wine per volume.
Although the French have a high fat diet, they have a low incidence of cardio vascular disease compared to the western countries. They contribute this factor to their consumption of red wine.
Acai Berries can help a promote a healthier cardio vascular system and digestive tract, because of its synergy of monounsaturated (these are the healthily) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols.
An excellent source of fiber! There are approximately 2 grams of dietary fiber in our Açaí Energy Mix. Fiber promotes a healthy digestive system. Research studies suggests soluble fibers may help lower blood cholesterol The insoluble fiber may help to reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers.
Essential amino acid complex along with trace minerals, which are vital for proper muscle contraction and regeneration.
Aside from the energy and fluid replacement, Acai Berries provide a nutrition profile complete with vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9).
The fatty acid ratio in Acai resembles that of olive oil. Studies suggest this is a contributing factor to the low incidence of heart disease in Mediterranean populations.
Acai Berries contain plant sterols including beta-sitosterol. Today, sterols are being used to treat associated benign prostate dyperplasia. These plant sterols have also been shown to help control cholesterol as well as act as precursors to many important substances produced by the body.
Acai: The Amazon Acai Berry
With 10 times the antioxidants of grapes and twice the antioxidants of blueberries, the Brazilian Acai berry (AH-sci-EE) is considered to have the best nutritional value of any fruit on earth.
For more information visit here
Works Cited
- Rogez H. Acai: Preparo, ComposiÁao, e Melhormento da ConveraÁao. Belem: EDUFPA; 2000.
- Seager S, Slabaugh M. Chemistry for Today: General Organic and Biochemistry-4th ed. California.
- Wardlaw G, Insel P. Perspectives in Nutrition – 2nd ed. Saint Louis: Masby – Year Book, Inc; 1990.
- Sillberberg S. Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of matter and Change – 2nd ed. USA: McGraw-Hill; 2000. 1086p.
- Cook-Fuller C, editor. Annual Editions Nutrition 00/01 – 12th ed. Connecticut: Dushkin/McGraw Hill; 2000.
- Berges B, et al. Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial of beta-sitosterol in patients
with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Lancet 345: 1529–1532, 1995. - Pegel K. The importance of sitosterol and sitosterolin in human and animal nutrition. S African J Science. 93, 263 –268, 1997.
- Miura T, et al. Effect of guarana on exercise in normal and epinephrine-induced glycogenolytic mice. Biol Pharm Bull. 1998 Jun;21(6):646-8.
- Henman AR. Guaran· (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis):
Ecological and social perspectives on an economic plant of the central Amazon basin. J. Ethnopharmacol, 1982 Nov. - Duke JA. CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1985, 349
- Amazon Thunder
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Monday, November 24, 2008
Labels: Acai Berry, Acai Berry Juice, Amazon Rainforest, lose weight, tropical fruit
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Natural Home Remedies for Constipation
Natural Home Remedies for Constipation is a common disorder that is rampant among the American populace. Estimates have shown that over 3 million people have constipation annually in the United States. As if that were not enough, more than 2 million also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
The causes of constipation are multifaceted. However, there are varied methods in the meantime that will result in some form of relief for anyone who has got constipation.
For the purpose of this write-up, we’ll focus a lot more on the natural home remedies useful in constipation relief around us.
- Drink water regularly. At least 6 glasses of water a day would be very great and therapeutic. Large amounts of water aids quick digestion and enables easier bowel movement.
- Adding roasted black gram powder to chapatti made of wheat including the husks too can enhance constipation relief.
- Molasses which have high calorie content are also very good. Beware though as it has a strong taste and you’ll want to add fruit juice or milk to it when taking it. All you really need is two tablespoonfuls of blackstrap molasses just before sleeping at night.
- Take half a cup of cabbage juice twice a day. This is very effective in treating and curing constipation.
- If you have got access to mango, take one in the morning right after brushing before breakfast, and one at night after dinner. Mangoes are very effective bowel movers. There is a sure guarantee that you’ll have to “go” at least twice before nightfall.
- Create a mixture of Spiegel seeds and warm milk. This is done by dipping the Spiegel seeds (5-10g) in warm milk (200g). To this, mixture, add sugar and you have for yourself a highly effective treatment method.
- If you are suffering from chronic constipation, take a drink of figs dipped in water in the morning. If taken in copious amounts, you’ll definitely find yourself reaching for the next available toilet.
- If you want instant relief from constipation, drink water that has been kept in a copper container and has been left overnight. It acts as a superb constipation relief.
- Get half a glass of water and mix one-quarter (¼) of Epsom salts with it for fast constipation relief.
- Also try pouring a whole sachet of Andrew’s Liver Salt in a glass of water sand gulp down immediately. This will also produce a fast constipation relief.
For more information visit here
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Labels: bowel syndrome, colon cleansing, Constipation, constipation relief, high calories, Natural Home Remedies, Natural remedies, water
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Study Finds Menopause Symptoms Can Be Predicted
The number of eggs left in a woman's ovaries are like the grains of sand in an hourglass, ticking away the hours on her biological clock.
Researchers now say they may be able to predict when that clock will wind down.
And while doctors can't actually count the number of eggs in an ovary, they can measure ovarian volume. British researchers say there's a direct correlation between the two, and by measuring ovarian volume with transvaginal ultrasound, doctors should be able to predict when menopause will set in and how many fertile years a woman has left.
According to the study authors, this information will revolutionize the care of women looking for assisted reproductive technologies, including those who were treated for childhood cancers as well as women who want to put off starting a family for whatever reason.
Although information still needs to be validated in clinical studies, its benefit is most likely to start with women who are being treated for cancer and women attending fertility clinics, said Tom Kelsey, co-author of the study appearing June 17 in the journal Human Reproduction.
"If women looking for some sort of assisted conception and their physicians know that they've got a long time till menopause, then you could plan for a range of treatments," said Kelsey, who is a senior research fellow at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. "If you knew menopause was likely in four to five years, you'd plan a different set of IVF [in vitro fertilization] treatments."
Others reiterate, however, that the findings should be treated with caution.
"Should a young woman who is 30 years old go for a test to figure out whether she's got three, five or 10 years left on her fertility? Should she make career decisions and life decisions? Are these data good enough to make those determinations?" asked Dr. Alan Copperman, director of reproductive medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. "The answer is obviously no to all of those questions. The predictive value of this test is not good enough to go and tell someone to change their life."
According to the article, eggs form in a female's ovary while she is still in the womb, peaking at several million about halfway through gestation and then starting a continuous decline. At birth, there are several hundred thousand and, when menstruation begins, about 300,000. At about age 37, a woman has about 25,000 eggs left, and at menopause only about 1,000.
The time at which menopause sets in is widely believed to be based on the number of eggs reaching a critically low threshold.
The authors of this study measured ovarian volume with transvaginal ultrasound, then looked at the relationship between ovarian volume -- ovaries shrink as a woman ages -- and number of eggs. They then applied mathematical and computer models to predict menopause.
The study authors are negotiating with a medical school to set up clinical trials. The idea would be to follow women to see if their predictions were indeed correct.
While these authors have come up with a tool to potentially help women plan their lives, a second study in the same issue of Human Reproduction warned that women might not want to leave it too late. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) could not be relied upon to fully compensate for lack of natural fertility after the age of 35, the article stated.
The authors used a computer simulation model to determine that the overall success rate of assisted reproductive technology would be 30 percent for those attempting to get pregnant from age 30, 24 percent for those trying from age 35, and 17 percent from age 40.
SOURCES: Tom Kelsey, Ph.D., senior research fellow, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland; Alan Copperman, M.D., director, reproductive medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York; June 17, 2004, Human Reproduction
For more information visit here
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Labels: clinical studies, fertilization treatment, menopause, menopause symptoms, treatment, women
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lose Weight The Easy Way - Eat What You Like When You Like
When dieting and working out aren't giving you the weight loss results that you want, it may be time to buy diet pills. If you've reached the point where you are considering adding prescription-based weight loss medications to your life, you might want to consider another option. Dietrine Carb Blocker is a great new supplement that is available without a prescription.
You may be familiar with Phase 2, which was very popular among those finding it difficult to lose weight with diet and exercise alone. Derived from the white kidney bean, Phase 2 neutralizes the enzyme alpha amylase produced in the pancreas, normally used to break down carbs. Starches are then able to pass through your digestive system without being broken down into glucose and fat, decreasing your net caloric intake, even with foods such as bread, pasta, and cereal.
By simply clicking around our website, you can safely and securely order Dietrine Carb Blocker from the comfort of your own home. And, because this is a 100 percent stimulant-free, botanical supplement, you don't have to worry about harmful side effects or drug interactions. And, as if that wasn't enough, when you order Dietrine Carb Blocker, we add in some great bonus material that will help you lose the weight even faster!
Free with any purchase of Dietrine Carb Blocker is a lifetime membership in our online weight loss program, which will keep you posted on new developments in the industry and provide great tips on exercise and diet programs you might want to try. We also include a weight loss hypnosis download and an e-book with 71 weight loss tips that contains all the tricks you need to promote real fat loss! With such a great supplement and a fantastic package of extras, you'll be on your way to the body you want in no time!
For more information visit here
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
Labels: carb blocker, diet, diet pill, fat blocker, weight loss, weight loss program
Friday, November 14, 2008
Firms & Tightens Skin with Revitol Cellulite Solution
Revitol Cellulite Cream is a revolutionary scientific breakthrough for controlling unsightly cellulite and eliminating inches. Revitol Cellulite Removal Cream permits you to spot reduce in those impossible problem areas. With Revitol you can rid yourself of those unwanted lumps and bumps. Just apply the Cellulite Cream to your thigh, waist, tummy, or chin and watch the fat disappear.
Caffeine Extract Removes Cellulite
Caffeine works as a stimulant as well as a vasodilator; it stimulates the breakdown of fat cells and also widens the blood vessels in the area. As such Caffeine stimulates the circulation and blood flow, which helps remove toxins, fat and excess fluids. When blood is allowed to move into the region the natural metabolic pathways of the body are stimulated and you will also burn more fat naturally. Caffeine also inhibits phosphodiesterase.
These are enzymes which are responsible for the break down of cyclic AMP, which in turn deprives the body of energy. By preventing the phospodiesterases from breaking down the cyclic AMP the energy is used efficiently. Topical use of caffeine is preferred over oral use, as its effects will be localized and concentrated. Through oral use the caffeine will never reach the target area in a concentrated form.
Capsicum Extract for Cellulite Blood Circulation
Capsicum has been used for centuries to increase blood circulation. With regards to cellulite blood circulation is an important part of the package; without adequate circulation the released toxins cannot be removed, and they would be taken up again by the cells.
This would defeat the entire purpose of the product, so Capsicum and Caffeine both work powerfully in combination to increase blood circulation even further than just either ingredient would on its own. It also aids in skin regeneration and strengthening of connective tissues.
Horsetail Extract Decreases Appearance of Cellulite
Horsetail Extract contains the very powerful supplement silica; this is an essential component of your connective tissues, and as such imperative in the restoration of your of your skin's elasticity as well as the decrease in appearance of cellulite.
Horsetail has been used for centuries to strengthen nails, hair and reduce the signs of aging in skin. Skin loses its elasticity as it ages, which is due to a weakening of the connective fibers between the skin cells and cell layers. As these fibers are restored the elasticity of the skin returns and it appears smoother and firmer. This can have a dramatic effect on the appearance of your cellulite, which is visible mostly due to loosening of the skin.
As the condition of skin regresses with age, it also explains why cellulite worsens as you age; you are not actually experiencing an increase in cellulite, you are seeing the results from weaker connective tissue. Horsetail is the most powerful natural supplement to repair the connective tissue and restore your skins natural firmness.
For more information visit here
Posted by
Friday, November 14, 2008
Labels: cellulite, cellulite solution, skin care, skin care cream
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Things to Look For When Treating Nail Fungus
Nail fungus has been a big problem for many people since it first appeared on earth. Consequently people have been so irritated with it and have tried to fix their problem, in numerous ways, in both conventional and unconventional terms. Surgery, topical solutions, medicine and various plant remedies, and any other imaginable concoctions have been developed to permanently cure this problem. So many people were so hyped up into curing themselves of this problem that they buy countless medicines and various solutions that has helped the industry balloon up. Such actions against nail fungus are drastically made, but one would eventually think, are the medicines claiming that their unique formulas are the best worth their hefty prices?
Although in the market there are available nail fungus remedy products that do actually work well, not all of these creams can be trusted. There are some “medicines” or “remedies” that are just plain scams, and they do not help the person who is suffering even for the small bit. While there are scam treatments, there are also some which are very effective in treating the ailment. Such medicines are not effective solutions because nail fungus should not be taken that lightly, as it is also bacteria. As it should be, people should first make an extensive investigation when it comes to the treatments that they are interested in undergoing because any kind of medication affects ones body. One must remember that the creams that are for combating nail fungus creams cannot function as perfectly when they are only used alone.
The professional medical experts who have studied nail fungus strongly suggest that one should take special pills that are made for targeting nail fungus and not just depend on nail fungus creams. If you give all your faith to topical creams alone, well this is not a good idea as your nail fungus will not disappear quickly.Another focus that should be pointed out to a person who is having nail fungus problems is the fact that nail fungus strongly damages ones (used to be) healthy nail, and a nail which is not in a good condition (especially if it is already dead and black) should not be left unnoticed. Not only is it unsightly but it is also a health problem. This is where oral medicine comes in, as approved medicines and prescribed by doctors should quickly treat one’s nail fungus problems.
For more information visit here
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Labels: medication, nail fungus, nails, remedy product
Monday, November 10, 2008
Eat Less, Train Less, Live Longer!
Did you see that article on MSNBC about living longer?
"While the quest for the proverbial Fountain of Youth is endless and typically fruitless, one method known to extend the human lifespan by up to five years has quietly become accepted among leading researchers. The formula is simple: Eat less. It could add years to your life, several experts now say. And done in moderation, it could at least help you live a more healthy life."
Really? Eat less. Live longer?
Who'd thunk?
But seriously, why is this the case? And more importantly, why do so many other health and fitness pros give the opposite advice, often asking you to eat 5-8 times a day? Is there some common ground?
Yes there is. But first let's look at why eating less can mean living longer.
That article went on to say:
"Calorie restriction, as it is called, is as close to a real Fountain of Youth as any known technique comes. Even scientists who are cautious about anti-aging hype say it works, both by cutting risks for some diseases and by allowing all body cells, somehow, to hang in there longer.
"This is just part of the story. As usual, the mainstream media doesn't always bother to give you the entire picture.
Eating less is a bit over-simplistic. Caloric restriction is based on "quantitative" reduction, not simply eating like a bird or starving yourself. That will never work. You won't stick to it and your body certainly won't bother to burn off its spare bodyfat when it thinks you're in a stone age famine.
The key is to avoid overtraining in the gym like the plague. Too much training and you'll be forced to eat more food -- usually not a good thing.
Jon Benson's new system "7 Minute Muscle" is perfect for someone who is wanting to not spend their lives in the kitchen or in the gym. This is REQUIRED READING if you really want to see how great you can look in the least amount of time possible. Sure, you work hard. There's no pills or gadgets involved. But it's worth every minute... all 7 of them!
Read more here
Posted by
Monday, November 10, 2008
Labels: eat less, healthy life, live longer, train less
Thursday, November 6, 2008
NaturePause - The Natural Hormone Solution for Men and Women
When most people hear the words "menopause" or "andropause", they immediately think, "middle-age" and "misery". After all, most people experience the onset of the end of their reproductive cycle during middle-age -- and this is usually accompanied by emotionally and physically draining symptoms such as hot flashes, low libido, and mood swings.
However, the facts are changing, and they're changing with the times.
People are now experiencing these symptoms, along with constant fatigue and depression, much earlier in life. Some studies suggest that perimenopause can begin as early as twenty-five in some women. Men in their twenties and thirties regularly experience the symptoms of low libido and erectile dysfunction. Both men and women battle fatigue and depression -- often with drugs and dangerous habits.
What is causing this rapid onset of the symptoms of menopause or andropause? Is this 'really' what people are experiencing, or it is something altogether different that is "masking" itself as menopause or andropause? What can someone in their early mid-life do about these stressful symptoms? And, what about those who are actually experiencing the onset of the end of reproduction? Are drugs the only alternative? Are they actually safe?
The questions and much more are addressed spectacularly in NaturaPause: The Natural Hormone Solution For Men And Women. Created by Naturopathic physician Dr. Holly Lucille and "Fit Over 40" author Jon Benson, NaturaPause uncovers what Dr. Lucille calls "the root causes" behind the symptoms associate with perimenopause, menopause, andropause, rapid weight gain, functional erectile dysfunction and constant fatigue. Rather than addressing the "symptoms", Dr. Lucille and Benson address the "cause", as they enlighten both men and women in methods that can restore hormonal function.
NaturaPause is not a supplement or a drug, but a "how-to" instruction kit comprised of a six audio CDs, a 137-page book and a 28-page workbook.
"Most physicians try to replace hormones. That's a poor strategy," says Dr. Lucille in Audio 1. "Exactly what 'hole' did they fall out of?" From almost a decade of clinical practice, Dr. Lucille has found solid, natural methods for encouraging bodies to do what they were designed to do: heal themselves, from the inside-out. This healing process can not only take care of the problem, but also the nasty symptoms -- and, unlike drugs (HRT is the common term for hormone therapy via drugs), leave the individual much healthier and more fit than when they began.
"Drugs have their place in hormone help, but they should not be the first choice. The body must be given the chance to heal the root cause of most of the symptoms...and that's something rarely discussed in traditional medicine," says Dr. Lucille. "For those on HRT, it is even more crucial to address the core issues, otherwise long-term health can definitely be affected."
NaturaPause audios include: "Hormones 101: What You Really Need To Know", "Menopause: Reasons And Remedies For Regaining Your Life," "Andropause: What Men Need To Know To Restore Vigor", "Exercise and Nutrition: Secret Weapons In The Battle For Youth", "Restoring Sex Drive: The Psychology and Physiology of Renewing Your Love Life", and "Putting It All Together: Dr. Lucille's 1-2-3 NaturaPause Plan." Each audio is impressively thorough and conducted in a conversational style between Mr. Benson and Dr. Lucille. Both give their take on the subject; Benson from personal experience of early andropause at 27, and Dr. Lucille from a clinical perspective.
So, what is addressed in the NaturaPause Solution Kit? A small sampling includes...
- Exactly why traditional medicine flat-out fails to wipe out the hellish symptoms of menopause, male menopause, perimenopause, weight gain, and constant fatigue;
- What the natural health industry is missing, and why people are not seeing the rapid results they are looking for by trying what they hear on T.V. or read in a magazine;
- The real, absolute, without-a-doubt cause of nearly all these symptoms?and how to get rid of them, make people feel better, and radically boost mental, emotional, and physical health at the same time;
- Why 95% of doctors never treat this hormonally-based cause;
- A top-to-bottom, ?treat the cause? Solution that is based in fact and medicine that's been successful for thousands of years;
- And more than can be covered in this short review.
Dr. Lucille's book rounds out the package nicely, covering all you need to know about restoring and maintaining hormonal balance in what she calls, "An ever-increasing toxic environment." Dr. Lucille demonstrates how everyday household items are contributing to the increase of estrogen in both males and females. The result: children are reaching puberty 2.3 years sooner than fifty years ago, and both sexes are experiencing the onset of menopausal symptoms earlier and, often, in increased severity.
NaturaPause is the best product I have ever seen for addressing relief and restoration when it comes to this natural phase of life. Combine that with the solid, down-to-earth nutrition and fitness information, how-tos on sexual healing, and a complete "what works" natural supplement guide, and you have a product that everyone over 30 desperately needs in order to live at their peak for decades to come.
For more information, visit the NaturaPause website.
Posted by
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Labels: andropause, healing process, hormone, menopause, natural, solution
EverLoss - It Fits You Good! The Diet Of The Decade Is Here
Still Overweight? Why am I not surprised - don't worry you're among millions of people that have the same problem you do. Oddly enough though, every single one of those people - including you - have their own set of special needs in order to battle this weight loss epidemic.
Perhaps you just need to work on the love handles and thighs, or perhaps you are suffering from obesity or are well on your way... It's no laughing matter for both - health reasons and that of your social existence and self confidence. We've been studying this epidemic and have seen both worst case scenarios get even worse, as well as studied the effective treatments that worked for a variety of different body types, metabolism types, and weight categories.. . .. ...
The only thing that works, is when you combine the number one thing that makes you tick (your brain) with the best combination of foods, eating patterns, supplements, and exercises (and I don't mean busting your butt at the gym - healthy exercise has little to do with treadmills or weights).
The success stories are out there, and the research and development is complete - for everLoss to finally make its way to the public platform as the fastest growing 'online diet' program on the internet. Why? Simply due to the fact that IT WORKS! The unique approach to weight loss and healthy living takes you through a variety of actions that stimulate your fat burning engine, and speed up your metabolism. The fact that it's all online, and delivered to you instantly so you can start right away or absorb slowly and start when ready is very innovative and discreet...
Trying to be discreet about a diet may be tough, and we understand the social issues at hand well - so learning how to diet first, and then approaching it on YOUR time, at YOUR pace, is quite important. Nothing motivates you more than seeing first hand results or finally learning something new. As we like to say here at - Expect Unexpected Results!
This site has been attracting a great crowd for many reasons, some are obvious - it's simple to use, it's flexible and fits with anyones lifestyle or time schedule, and while it's still in launch mode it's currently at a discounted rate to begin - oh and it also comes with a 60 day guarantee so you literally have nothing to lose but your weight. If you DON'T lose weight, well two things happen - 1 - You get 100% of your money back no questions asked, and - 2 - You will continue to search for a quick fix problem that doesn't exist....
So today, mark it on your calendar as the day you finally stood in the mirror and said to yourself "I'm going to make a change for the better, I'm going to finally attack this 'fat' stuff from the right angle (no pun)". Be smart about losing weight, not a two week try hard only to get fatter again - educate yourself and take our 30 day action plan into effect the moment you are ready - you'll thank yourself you finally made this choice, and so will those in your circle as the authentic you is revealed from head to toe, and from energy level to sense of well being.
Start your educational session and see why so many people have successfully shed their pounds at EverLoss
EverLoss - It Fits You Good!
Posted by
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Labels: beauty, diet, fat, health, lose weight, loss fat, obesity